4-H Teens
Teen Hangouts: Youth aged 13 and older are invited to
join us for monthly, informal hang out sessions with other teens. Join us for
the full hangout session or drop by when you can. Please email Grace at: ged49@cornell.edu if your youth is

Statewide Events for teens:
ABC (Agri-Business Career Conference) – A career
exploration conference for youth ages 14-18 to learn about jobs in the
agriculture field.
Capital Days – Join us as we get acquainted with
our state government and connect with other teens from across the state. For
youth ages 14-18.
STAR (State Teen Action Retreat) – STAR is a
premiere youth voice opportunity, open to youth ages 13-18, modeled after the
National 4-H Conference.
Career Explorations – A three-day conference for
youth in grades 8 and above, aimed at expanding possibilities for youth by
connecting them to Cornell University
See more information about these
events at https://albany.cce.cornell.edu/4-h-youth/activities-events
Last updated January 6, 2025