First Albany Period Pantry! Located at 200 Green St., Albany

First Period Pantry! Located at 200 Green Street, Albany

period pantries

Capital Region Menstrual Health Program

As an initiative of Cornell Cooperative Extension, Capital Region Menstrual Health (previously SMHC) works to promote the health and well-being of individuals who menstruate in our area. CRMH works to increase period equity by bringing period products directly into under-resourced communities through a network of established and trusted community-based organizations.

The term “period poverty” refers to the lack of access to menstrual products, sanitation facilities, and menstrual education due to financial barriers and/or social stigma. We work to combat this through the installation of Free Period Pantries in areas of high need and through direct distributions of menstrual products to local community organizations serving our under-resourced menstruators.

A Free Period Pantry is an outdoor, weather-proofed box that houses a variety of menstrual products that are free to the community. These pantries are self-serve and accessible 24/7, making them a convenient source of period products in locations familiar to our target populations. There are currently three Free Period Pantries running in Schenectady, and one in Albany. All pantries are strategically located in areas of high need based on census data and input from community members.

Last updated October 6, 2023