Resolve to Eat More Fish in 2025
Health Benefits of Fish
- Low-fat, high quality protein
- Filled with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins
such as D and B2 (riboflavin)
- Rich in calcium and phosphorus. Great source of
- The American Heart Association recommends
eating fish at least twice a week as part of a healthy diet. Fish is packed
with protein, vitamins and nutrients that can lower BP and help reduce the risk
of a heart attack or stroke.
- Since fish are an important source of
omega-3 fatty acids, eating them can keep our brain and heart healthy.
- Our bodies do not produce omega-3 fatty
acids, so we must get them in the food we eat.
- Omega-3 fatty acids are especially high in
fatty fish (greater than 10% fat) like salmon, trout, sardines, herring, canned
mackerel, canned light tuna, and oysters.
Learn how to properly cook fish and try some healthy recipes:
- The general cooking time is 10 minutes for each inch of
- Serving size for fish: for an adult, one serving is 4 ounces; for
children, a serving is 1 ounce at age 2 and increases with age to 4 ounces by
age 11.
Upcoming Free Fishing Dates
Hudson River Fish Advisory Outreach Project
(Click on image to enlarge)

- Choose seafood low in contaminants and high in
health benefits.Know which types of
fish fish are lower in mercury in the grocery store and which ones to avoid
(King mackerel, marlin, orange roughy, shark, swordfish, tilefish (Gulf of
Mexico) and Bigeye tuna) .
- Know where to fish locally and which fish are
best to keep to eat – see map for Albany County. There are many waters in
Albany County which are safe for the whole family to eat up to two 4 ounce fish
meals a week from, just not the Hudson River.
- To reduce contaminants (like PCBs in fish caught in the
Hudson River), remove the skin and visible fat before cooking.Grill, bake or broil the fish so that the
fat drips off. Women younger than 50
years of age and children should not eat any fish caught in any part of the
Hudson River.There are only 4 species
of fish safe for men over the age of 15 and women over the age of 50 can eat up
to 1 meal per month from the Mid-Hudson section of the river.Those include alewife, blueback herring,
yellow perch and rock bass. The good news is that there are plenty of other spots in
Albany County which have public access and are safe for the whole family to eat
the fish.
Cultural importance – Fish is not only an important source
of nutrition, the act of catching fish, preparing it and eating it is an
important part of cultural and family heritage among certain populations.
Follow this link for ice fishing information (from NYS DEC):
Last updated January 28, 2025